
Best 43 Mouth-Watery Ramen in Japan that Make You Hungry



Ramen is one of the most popular, famous Japanese food and has gained popularity around the world. Although it is not very a sophisticated food, it attracts millions of people. Ramen seems to be a simple dish at a glance: Just soup, noodles, and toppings are served together in a bowl. However, the way it is prepared is not as simple as it looks.

It usually takes tens of hours to prepare the broth so all the aroma of the stocks goes to the broth. Also, ramen shops do countless experiments to make the best noodles, chashu (tender pork belly), and toppings that make a perfect combination when served in a bowl.

Here, we prepared the best ramen shops in Japan. Shops are listed in several categories based on the type of soup.
We are sorry if we make you hungry!

Tonkotsu Ramen

Tonkotsu ramen is a type of ramen that originated in Fukuoka, a prefecture of the Kyushu area of Japan, and it is known for the significant time it takes to prepare the soup. The broth is based on pork bones and other ingredients and boiled for several hours until all the deliciousness of ingredients is dissolved into the soup. Noodles are typically very thin with a bit hard texture in the center and topped with chashu. The creamy soup with rich pork flavor catches your heart once you have a bite.

1.Hide-chan Ramen

Shuchan Ramen originated in Fukuoka, and opened a new store in a business district, Akasaka.
The ramen doesn’t taste as soggy as it looks, and slices of pork belly are very tasty!

Address: Fukuju Bld. 1F, 2-17-58, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo


Rokutsuki got the first prize in the 15th “Tokyo Ramen of the Year”!
It is known for its delicious soup made without any chemical condiments, which makes the best of natural taste of ingredients. Despite its high quality, one bowl of ramen costs only 680 yen ($6)!

Address: 2-4-5, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo

3.Tanaka Shoten

Tanaka Shoten ramen contains rich, thick soup with straight thin noodles. When you pick up the noodles, they catch the soup, and your mouth is filled with a wonderful taste.
Several kinds of toppings are provided on the tables so you can put them as much as you want. And those toppings are free!

Address: 2-14-6, Hitotsuya, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


You will be amazed by Ikki’s tonkotsu soup. It is very thick and rich, but it has neither a too strong porky flavor nor too oily taste.
Don’t forget to put “Karashi Takana” to your ramen. Karashi takana is a type of spicy Japanese pickles made with a leafy vegetable called “takana” and spicy seasonings. It makes your tonkotsu ramen even tastier!

Address: 8-4-5, Shikahama, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


Kiraboshi has evolved its tonkotsu ramen unique, so it is a bit different from usual tonkotsu ramen that you may find at other ramen shops. Unlike normal tonkotsu ramen, it has rich, thick, darker-brown tonkotsu soup with thick noodles. The soup which takes more than 30 hours to make deserves its fame for “the most with tonkotsu soup in Tokyo.”

The toppings are also unusual for tonkotsu ramen: they include moyashi and cabbage adding to familiar toppings like a boiled egg. nori seaweed, and pork belly.

Address: 3-11-13. Kyonancho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo


Shoyu (soy sauce) ramen has the longest history in all types of ramen in Japan. When people say “ramen,” it generally refers to shoyu ramen. It typically has a clear brown broth made with a chicken and vegetable stock (occasionally pork or beef ) and plenty of soy sauce, making it salty but light on the palate.

Common toppings include marinated bamboo shoots or menma, green onions, nori seaweed, boiled eggs, and pork belly. Black pepper is usually provided for additional toppings at most ramen shops.

6.Ramen Sugimoto

You can find Ramen Sugimoto in the Bib Gourmand section in the Michelin guidebook Tokyo. Also, it was awarded for “Tokyo Ramen of the Year” for four years in a row from 2014.

The ramen looks simple at a glance, but it is full of deliciousness. It contains clear broth and straight noodles with two slices of pork chashu and one slice of chicken chashu, wontons (Chinese dumplings), a flavored boiled egg, menma, and green onions on the top.

Address: 4-2-3, Saginomiya, Nakano-ku, Tokyo


Really nice bowl of Shoyu Ramen at Rakka in Nishi Azabu today. Super clean, tasty bowl. Check it out!

Ivan Orkinさん(@ramenjunkie)がシェアした投稿 -

Want some refined shoyu ramen?

In the quiet, stylish ramen shop, you can enjoy shoyu ramen based on bonito, kelp, and soy sauce with olive oil added. The toppings include medium-rare chashu, a boiled egg, nori seaweed, menma, and chopped onions. With its beautiful visual and refined taste, the ramen is called “Kohaku,” which means amber.

1-8-12, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo

8.Menya Saika

Simple ramen, but it has a lot to please your tongue. The chicken-based soup is made without chemical condiments, and the sophisticated flavors of chicken and soy sauce fill your mouth when you have a sip.

Address: Ground Heim Hoya 1F, 3-11-2, Higashicho, Nishi-Tokyo-shi, Tokyo

9.Homemade Ramen Mugi Nae

The cafe-like ramen shop is renowned for its shoyu ramen with delicious, soft pork chashu. The ramen comes with slices of pork chashu, nori seaweed, wontons, a boiled egg, and green onions. The chashu is medium-rare and thinly sliced and has a soft texture that melts in your mouth.

The broth is based on chicken, which makes the soup light and goes well with the noodles and the toppings.

Address: 6-11-10, Minami-ooi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo


昨日一緒にハマスタで観戦した田口さんに昨日の御礼を兼ねて表敬訪問! ハマスタ史上初のリリーフカーを運転した超偉人の作るラーメンは毎日食べられるをコンセプトにしていて中には、一度に二杯や1日3杯食べる人も居るとか((( ;゚Д゚))) 筒香ユニを貸したら、松原誠だ!でも俺は田代が好き! マリンくんが好きで帽子買ったけどマークはWじゃないのか、Wのぼうしがほしい大洋ユニは売ってないのか?今度は長浦に行こう! などなど。 今年も大洋ユニ復活してくれ?よし、明日からヘルメット被って守備に就こう! #こうかいぼうRC #ちゃあしゅうごはんセット #ライオン丸トッピング 今なら大洋ホエールズグッズ身に付けて行けば店長の笑顔が無料です。

ヨペス☆よーへさん(@yoheeeey840)がシェアした投稿 -

The concept of Koukaibou ramen is “the ramen that everyone wants every day,” featured with the light shoyu broth based on a seafood stock. The toppings include chashu, menma, nori seaweed, and green onions. You would feel you didn’t have enough when you finish the ramen, but it is the key to bring customers back again to this ramen shop.

Address: 2-12-10, Fukagawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo


Shio (sea salt) ramen is a type of ramen that has a clear broth based on a chicken and vegetable stock, sea salt-based sauce added. The stock is lightly boiled, which makes the broth light and clear. The toppings vary depending on the shops, but common items include stir-fried vegetables. menma, boiled eggs, green onions, and fish cakes while some are topped with seafood and corn. Shio ramen is commonly eaten in Hakodate, a city of Hokkaido, as a local specialty so-called “Hakodate ramen.”

11.Menya Sho

Menya Sho’s shio ramen has the amazingly clear soup that is light but flavorful. The noodles are straight and thin, which catch a lot of soup. What makes this ramen even more amazing is a thickly sliced pork chashu, which fills your mouth with the beautiful smoky flavor. When you bite into it, it melts in your mouth right away.

Address: 7-22-34, Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

12.Menya Kaijin

Menya Kaijin’s shio soup uses different types of fish every day, which makes you enjoy different flavors of the soup every time you come to the shop. The soup is light but rich and has a flavorful seafood taste.
The ramen is topped with a minced shrimp ball, a minced chicken ball, and thinly sliced green onions and ginger.

Address: Sanraku Bld. 2F, 3-35-7, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

13.Tai Shio Soba Touka

東京・曙橋「鯛塩そば 灯火」鯛塩そばと鯛茶漬けセット(1,150円) ・ 鯛ラーメンと言えば、錦糸町の麺魚、銀座の銀笹などが思い浮かびますが、ここ灯火は中でもとても繊細で優しいスープがすごく美味しかったです。せっかくなのでゴマだれで和えた鯛のお刺身3切れのついた鯛茶漬けセットも。これにスープを注いてじゃぶじゃぶすれば、うはー美味しい。 っとここで、日本じゃぶじゃぶごはん協会(なにそれ)として、ふとした疑問が。じゃぶじゃぶごはんは、そもそもラーメンライスなわけで、あくまでラーメンが主役で、そのオマケだから楽しいのであって、主役級に美味しい場合は、どうすれば良いのでしょう 笑。 #銀座周辺じゃなくてすみません ・ #東京 #曙橋 #四谷三町目 #鯛塩そば灯火 #灯火 #鯛塩そば #鯛ラーメン #鯛茶漬け #ラーメン #ラーメン部 #麺類 #麺活 #麺スタグラム #麺類大好き #拉面 #redsnapper #ramen #noodles #noodlelover #akebonobashi #tokyo

@ menrui_nadoがシェアした投稿 -

Tai Shio Soba Touka is known for its sophisticated soup and beautiful presentation which evokes the fine Japanese art. The soup is based on seabream, which extracts the deliciousness of the fish and does not have a fishy flavor.

The toppings include chashu, menma, green onions and flower-shaped fu (Japanese wheat gluten), with yuzu (Japanese citrus fruit) sprinkled. When the ramen arrives, the elegant flavors of yuzu and sea bream attract your nose!

Address: Petit Fuji Bld. 8-3, Arakicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

14.Iki na Issho

Iki na Issho’s ramen is orthodox and simple but offers an amazing taste. The soup is based on a blend of pork, chicken, and seafood and each ingredient are perfectly balanced out. You can enjoy the aroma of the ingredients by carrying the soup with curly noodles. Also, you can customize your ramen with various types of seasonings provided on the table.

Address: Chikuzen Bld. 1F, 1-27-2, Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo


Sanji’s ramen is featured with the noodles that consist of 70% of whole wheat, which makes the noodle brown and flavorful. As the noodles have a bit strong taste of flour, the soup is also made to offer you a rich flavor. The soup is based on chicken, with kelp, dried seaweed, and vegetables added.

Address: 3-25-12, Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo


Miso ramen is another major type of ramen along with tonkotsu, shoyu, and shio. Miso paste is a staple seasoning in Japan and used for various kinds of Japanese food.
The broth is based on a pork and vegetable stock with miso paste added, and typically served with stir-fried vegetables, boiled eggs, chashu, and corns. Sometimes butter is topped so it makes the soup mild.
Miso ramen originated in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and spread across the nation after miso ramen was sold in a large food event in Tokyo.

16.Nishiazabu Gogyo

You will be struck with the black soup, and it may look disgusting. But once you have a bite, it will amaze you with the savory, delicious taste of the soup. The secret of the black soup is “kogashi miso (stir-fried miso), which makes the miso more flavorful, and adds the savory taste.

Address: Rojiman Nishiazabu 1F, 1-4-36, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo


Ooshima were awarded for Tokyo Ramen of the Year for three years in a row with its miso ramen. The soup is thick and rich with slight garlic and ginger flavors, adding a bit of accent to the rich miso soup. The thick, curled noodles catch the soup, and you will enjoy the perfect combination of the rich taste of the soup and the noodles.

Address: 6-7-13, Funabori, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo


Awesome?? #misoramen

…yes!さん(@japan_ramen_mag)がシェアした投稿 -

Matador was awarded for Rookie of the Year in Tokyo Ramen of the Year in 2014 and widely covered by the media. The ramen comes with rich miso soup, thick noodles, and toppings including roasted beef, beef chashu, grounded beef, boiled egg, and some vegetables.

The soup uses the light-flavored miso so it does not ruin the beef flavor used in the broth. Also, the flavor of the beef toppings goes to the soup as time goes, making the soup more flavorful as you eat. Furthermore, chopped tomato on the bottom adds a bit of sour and fresh taste to the soup!

Address: 43-13, Senju-Asahi cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


虫歯でイマイチだけど、らーめん! #もっ外食 #おそ昼

井上元美 Motomi Inoueさん(@andwool)がシェアした投稿 -

Domiso is a popular ramen shop that extends branches to a couple of areas in Tokyo. The ramen comes with the rich miso soup and vegetables, corns, a boiled egg, and a large slice of chashu on top. The noodles are thick and curled, which go well with the creamy miso broth.

Address: 3-4-3, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo


野方 花道 海老味噌ラーメン+チンピラネギ+ライス+レモンサワー??(870+150+100+350) 花道新メヌー発表してから初訪麺()到着すると、あれ?もしかして今日も石原さとみがいる!?そう、それはともみん!ともみん??ともみーーーん????少し遅れて二日酔いで顔パンパンのホシテツさん到着、遅れて来たくせにパシリにされてお茶買いに行かされた僕。外並び中、ちょっと開いた窓から鍋振りヤスさんこんちゅわっす?? ------------------------------ 今券売機の前でハァハァ言ってる僕は会社で働くごく一般的なおじさん。強いて違うところをあげるとすれば新メヌーの??海老味噌テクニックに興味があるってことかナ…名前はみつりょうし そんなわけで花道にやって来たのだ。ふと見るとテーブルに海老味噌テクニックなラーメンが着丼していた 一口すすればウホッ!いい海老…??! そう思っていると突然その海老??は僕の見ている目の前でツナギのホックをはずしはじめたのだ…! ??「やらないか」 イイ海老??に弱い僕は誘われるままホイホイとついて行っちゃったのだ? 僕「こんなこと初めてだけどいいんです…僕海老大好きですから…」 ??「うれしいこと言ってくれるじゃないの、それじゃあとことんよろこばせてやるからな」 言葉どおりに海老はすばらしくデリシャスだった。僕はというと味覚に与えられる快感の波に身を震わせてもだえていた ??「いいこと思いついた、お前俺の中にチンピラネギ挿れてみろ」 僕「えーっ!?辛くなっちゃいませんかァ?」 ??「男は度胸!何でもためしてみるのさ。きっといい気持ちだぜ、ほら遠慮しないで挿れてみろよ」 僕「それじゃ…やります…。は…はいりました」 ??「ああ…つぎは器に残っているチンピラ汁だ」 僕「それじゃ挿れます…」 ??「いいぞ、俺の中にどんどん入ってくるのがわかるよ」 僕「くうっ!美味しい…!」 この初めての体験は海老だけでは知ることのなかったピリ辛な絶頂感を僕にもたらした。あまりの美味しさに麺をすすると同時に僕はあっけなく果ててしまった 僕「ああーっ!!」 無我夢中で麺を啜り(途中ライスを半分ホシテツへパス)スープをライスにぶっかけ味玉くぱぁするといつの間にかKK、腹の中に収まっても未だなお??が脳内に直接語りかける ??「(この分だとそうとう美味かったみたいだな。腹ン中がパンパンだぜ)」 僕「ハッハッ、ハア…あんまり腹パンすぎて…こんなに美味しいの初めてだから…」 ??「(だろうな、俺もはじめてだよ。ところで俺を食ったあとのこの腹を見てくれ、こいつをどう思う?)」 僕「すごく…腹パンです…」 ------------------------------ ミシュランガイド掲載なのは当たり前、そして何よりあのTRY(トクイチ ラーメン オブ ザ イヤー)味噌部門殿堂入りなのも納得のうまさ(ともみんの番長スープを一口もらっただけでムセたのは内緒だ) AJTM CHINPRTMG AZMS! 腹裂け軽く会釈して退店、押忍ごっつぁん! 今年はよろしくお願いします! 4ラーメン2018#トクイチラーメン部#TRYトクイチラーメンオブザイヤー#ヤスさんありがとうございます#トクイチさんありがとうございます#トクイチ花道部#味噌麺処花道#花道#ライスがあったら頼むだろ#押忍ごっつぁん#角材軍団#ラーメン2018みつりょう

密漁師?さん(@mitsuryoshi)がシェアした投稿 -

Hanamichi is in Tokyo Michelin Guide Book and serves a large portion of miso ramen with creamy soup and thick noodles, loaded with stir-fried vegetables and other toppings such as a boiled egg, chashu, and menma.
The soup is based on pork, chicken, and vegetables, later cooked with lard, garlic, and miso, making it rich and creamy but still have a garlicky accent.

Address: 6-23-12, Nogata, Nakano-ku, Tokyo


Chashu-men refers to a type of ramen that is loaded with many slices of chashu. The soup is typically soy sauce-based, but it also can be tonkotsu, shio, and miso-based.

Chashu is, in fact, an important part of ramen to impress customers both by the visual and the taste. Ramen shops strive to make the best chashu by experimenting again and again. If you can’t stand only one or two slices of chashu, go for chashu-men!

21.Nikujiru Ramen Kimi

?? 豚一本 ??

@ buccimaneがシェアした投稿 -

We bet you’ll say “Oh my gosh, what is it?” when your ramen arrives. The thickly sliced chashu are lined up along the edge of the bowl with loads of vegetables. The pork is well-flavored and soft enough to be easily broken down into pieces when you bite into it. It weighs about 400g only by the chashu. Don’t you want to tackle this ramen with mountainous meat?

Address: 2-25-10, Kita-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

22.Kita-Otsuka Ramen

@dr.greenboyがシェアした投稿 -

The entire surface is covered with slices of chashu. Each slice of chashu is small but has a soft texture and the fat adds a bit of sweetness to it. Underneath the chashu, it has thick curled noodles that catch the light soy sauce-based soup. Also, the spicy ground meat adds the extra flavor to the soup, spicing up the whole ramen.

Address: 1-14-1, Kita-otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

23.Ramen Manrai

Manrai’s chashu-men is served with a huge pork belly that comes out of the bowl. The thick pork block is so heavy that it is hard to pick up with chopsticks, but it is tender and flavorful.
The soup is soy sauce-based and light, which doesn’t make the ramen heavy and it goes well with the chashu.

Address:1-4-10, Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

24.Ramen Furin-kazan


BEPPUさん(@dj_beppu)がシェアした投稿 -

Ramen Furin-kazan is particular about its chashu, being proud of the biggest chashu in Kanto area and three different kinds of chashu. “Deka-deka Chashu-men” comes with a slice of chashu that is large enough to cover the entire surface. The chashu is a bit crispy and savory on the outside but soft on the inside.

Address: 1267-1, Koinaba, Isehara-shi, Kanagawa


いよいよヴィジュアルを食べに来ました。 . 新宿「希望軒」で希望軒ブラック780円にチャーシュー大盛り280円です。 . この盛りつけ方は最近ローストビーフ丼や海鮮丼でよく見ますし、僕自身が「松屋」の牛焼肉定食をこのように再構築したこともあります。 . 肉や刺し身などのひらひらした食べものをどんぶりの縁に万遍なく垂らすスタイルですね。 . 容易にライオンの鬣を想起しえますので、いっそこれはもう「#ライオン盛り」と名づけていいんじゃないですかね。 . かといって実際に「#ライオン盛り」のハッシュタグを見ると、もっとすごいヘアースタイルの写真が出てきてしまうのはさすがでした。このヘアースタイルには及ばざるとも、こういった盛りつけは充分に「#ライオン盛り」たりえると思うんです。 . じゃなければ「#ひまわり盛り」ですがこれはインパクトとしてヒヨっていてお話になりません。 . しかしおもにヴィジュアルを食べに来たつもりがうめえ。 . ブラックさを裏切らない醤油のキレ。 . #ライオン盛り

ポックリボーイさん(@pokkuriboy)がシェアした投稿 -

Kiboken’s chashu-men features the dark brown soup and thinly sliced chashu that is presented around the edge of the bowl. The soup is soy sauce-based but doesn’t taste strong despite the visual, and you can feel the nice aroma of chicken used for the soup base.

The chashu is soft enough to melt in your mouth and goes very well with the soup. Make sure to try chashu both by itself and by dipping in the soup!

Address: Marunaka Bld., 3-7-3, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo


Tsukemen refers to a style of ramen that the soup and the noodles are served in a different bowl, and you dip the noodles in the soup when you eat. The noodles are typically thick and the soup is prepared rich and concentrated compared to regular ramen so the noodles catch it well. After finishing the noodles, some ramen shops offer additional broth to dilute the soup so customers can enjoy it until the end.

The toppings range from shop to shop, but familiar items are the same as normal ramen such as chashu, menma, nori seaweed, and boiled eggs. The toppings are either served in the soup bowl or the noodle bowl, sometimes garnished with wasabi or yuzu.

26.Menya Warito

南西 雁太さん(@tan.nan.7)がシェアした投稿 -

Warito offers different types of tsukemen for lunch and dinner. During the lunchtime, it serves tsukemen whose soup is based on pork and noodles are thick, while during the dinner time the soup is chicken-based and the noodles are a bit thinner than those of the lunchtime.
Warito is worth trying both daytime and nighttime!

Address: 3-7-10, Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo


Michi’s tsukemen comes with the creamy seafood and pork-based soup, thick noodles, and toppings including nori seaweed, boiled eggs, chashu, chicken, and minced-chicken balls. If you want to make changes in the subtle sweet-flavored soup, make use of seasonings that come along with ramen.

Address: 5-28-17, Kameari, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

28.Menya Ittou

Menya Ittou is widely known and lots of people from around the world come to this ramen shop. Its most popular menu is tsukemen which comes with rich seafood-based soup and noodles topped with green onions, menma, minced chicken balls, a boiled egg, and three different kinds of chashu.

The chicken balls contain yuzu, adding the elegant fruity aroma to them. Also, the soup has a rich and thick texture that can go very well with the thick straight noodles. According to the gourmet review website, “you can never forget this ramen once you had one!”

Address: 1-4-17, Higashi-shinkoiwa, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

29.Gonokami Seisakusho

Gonokami Seisakusho is a famous ramen shop that serves unusual tsukemen and expands its branches in overseas including Korea, Taiwan, Spain, and so on. As the signboard has a large shrimp decoration, this ramen shop offers tsukemen whose broth is based on the shrimp. The rich shrimp flavor is concentrated in the soup, but it doesn’t taste fishy at all.

The menu also has “Tomato shrimp tsukemen,” which includes the shrimp-based soup with tomatoes and the noodles topped with basil paste, making it Italian-ish tsukemen. It will be interesting to try Italianized ramen!

? ?? ??! 海老!つけ麺!???? . #五ノ神製作所 . #tokyo #japan

Dohyeong Limさん(@i_am_dohyeong)がシェアした投稿 -

Address: 5-33-16, Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Fu-unji serves tsukemen that comes with delicious soup. The soup is based on the seafood and chicken stock and takes more than 35 hours to perfectly prepare, which fills your mouth with rich flavors of seafood and chicken. The savory fish powder is topped on the soup, which adds extra flavor to the soup.

Address: Hokuto Daiichi Bld. 1F, 2-14-3, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Hot! Ramen

Noodles and toppings are floating on the RED soup...that’s “hot” ramen. In Japanese, this type of ramen is called “Geki-kara ramen.” “Geki” means “super,” and “Kara” means “spicy” or “hot.”

Regular ramen such as tonkotsu or shoyu is popular, of course, but hot ramen is also a popular kind in Japan. Hot ramen is not just hot, but it has rich flavor of stocks used for the broth. In most ramen shops, customers can adjust the level of hotness. They can start from the least hot and go to the next level.

Let’s go into the sea of red soup!

31.Moko Tanmen Nakamoto

Moko Tanmen Nakamoto is a popular ramen chain shop that has several branches around Tokyo. It mainly serves “Tanmen,” a Tokyo style ramen served with salty broth and sauteed vegetables. Nakamoto’s hot tanmen is available in supermarkets and convenience stores in the cup noodle version.

As Nakamoto offers various types of tanmen in different hot levels, you can try this ramen shop whether you be a fan of spicy food or not. Its signature “Moko tanmen” is adorned with “spicy mapo tofu” along with sauteed vegetables, which adds richness to the ramen and makes a perfect combination with the soup. Nakamoto is the best place to your first try on hot ramen.

Address (Kami-itabashi shop): Asaka Bld. 201m 4-33-3, Tokiwadai, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo

32.Soryu Togyokudo

辛いの大好き。 #無頼漢 #無頼漢担々麺 #??

鈴木謙輔 / KENSUKE SUZUKIさん(@kensuke_suzuki4)がシェアした投稿 -

This hot ramen definitely gives you a shock...only the smell knocks you out. A mountain of chili peppers is floating on the extremely red soup.

You feel the sweat running down from the forehead right after you have the first bite. It is so spicy that you would feel pain on your tongue, but it does have rich flavors of the broth.

For those who would never ever like to try this ramen, don’t worry. Togyokudo offers various menus that aren’t spicy at all. A Hollywood movie star, Keanu Reeves has come to this ramen shop a couple of times, and he loves its tan-tan men!

Address:7-17-16, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

33.Geki-atsu! Menzo

1975assさん(@1975ass)がシェアした投稿 -

This ramen shop serves hot ramen loaded with lots of toppings including thickly sliced chashu, menma, vegetables, nori seaweed, and tofu. The hot level ranges from “1-kara (hot)” to “3-kara,” and those who have ever finished “3-kara” can order the hottest one, “10-kara.”

Address: 2-3-14, Tokumaru, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo


Hoozuki specializes in “Tan-tan men,” a type of ramen that has curled noodles in spicy, creamy miso-based soup topped with ground meat, leafy vegetables, and sesame. Hoozuki’s tan-tan men has four different levels of hotness.

It is spicy, but the shrimp mixed in the noodles makes the ramen flavorful and delicious. Also, creaminess of the soup gets the hotness mild.

Address: 5-52-1, Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo


Yamara’s has fame in its very hot ramen. The hot level ranges from “American,” “Normal,” “5-kara,” to “10-kara,” but the least level still has a very spicy look.

The thick soup is made of a mixed stock of meat and vegetables and topped with diced chashu, chopped Chinese chive, and bean sprouts. The noodles, toppings, and soup go along perfectly in this ramen!

2-29-3, Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Unusual Ramen

There plenty of ramen shops that invented unusual but delicious ramen to offer customers unique, fun ramen experiences. From blue-colored soup, lemons covering the noodles, to mozzarella cheese topped, their creativity goes on. Which cool ramen do you want to try?


When ramen and the color blue happen to be two of your favorite things #ramen #bluefood #japantravel

Rachel Hwangさん(@tlrhwang)がシェアした投稿 -

The stylish cafe-like ramen shop “Kipposhi” serves unusual ramen that you may have never seen. That’s the signature of this shop, “Clear Chicken Soup Blue.” It literally has the blue-colored soup based on chicken, topped with chicken chashu and a boiled egg.

It doesn’t look tasty at all, but has a rich flavor of chicken in the broth and goes well with thin, straight noodles. This blue ramen won’t make you regret!

Address: 3-1-17, Azumabashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

37.Linsuzu Shokudo

Linsuzu Shokudo is renowned for the lemon ramen and widely covered by the media. Sliced lemon covers the surface and underneath there awaits thin noodles and delicious soup. The soup is made by blending soy sauce-based broth, chicken-based broth, and vegetable-based broth, creating a distinctive flavor. The sour taste of lemon perfectly matches the soup!

Their another specialty is the chicken tempura. It is served freshly-fried and hot, having a crispy texture on the outside and juicy texture on the inside. It goes very well with the ramen, so be sure to order the chicken tempura along with lemon ramen!

Address: 5-7-3, Oshima, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

38.Due Italian

#ドゥエイタリアン #麹町#ラーメン#生ハム#フロマージュ

atatatatさん(@ashimeshi_tokyo)がシェアした投稿 -

What do you think would happen when Italian food is incorporated into ramen?

Well, it creates an elegant food that consists of shio ramen decorated with mozzarella cheese, prosciutto, and a boiled egg. The noodles have a spaghetti-like texture and taste perfect when eaten with melted mozzarella cheese. It will never go wrong with the combination of noodles, creamy cheese, and salty soup, won’t it?

Due Italian is the first ramen shop that appeared on the Tokyo Michelin Guide Book. That shows how much this ramen shop is unique and special!

2018.7.19 黄金の塩らぁ麺 ドゥエイタリアン@市ヶ谷(東京) ??冷製トマトコレクション2018 1200円 * 今年で4度目のトマトコレクション???? これを食べると夏を乗り切れる気がするの\( ?o? )/ だから毎年食べる! そんな個人的な恒例行事にりさちゃんをお誘い????← . ビジュアルは毎年おんなじ?? うんうん、これこれ。 厳選されたミニトマトがいーっぱい?? トマトの種類は毎年違うよ???? 今年は聞いたことないトマトの種類も結構あった! もてもてとか。。 . 今年は昨年より粒が大きいせいかミニトマトの量が若干少なく感じたけど、まぁ誤差の範囲内???? . スープは冷たくて甘め!?? これも例年通り???? 今更だけど、この甘みってトマトの甘みだけなのかなぁ。 ちがうよなぁ?? 個人的にはもうちょっと塩気があるほうがいいなーと思うけど、そうするとトマコレらしさがなくなってしまうのかもね! 麺はやや細めの平打ち麺。 この麺のおかげなのか、パスタじゃなくてちゃんとラーメンなんだなー。 . そして毎年1粒だけ苺が混じってるんだけど、今年の苺は埋もれ気味でした! どこかわかる??? . 今年もこの限定食べたから残りの夏も頑張れる気がする? けど、頑張れない気もする←← . おいしかったです!ごちそうさまでした! * #ドゥエイタリアン #トマトコレクション2018 #市ヶ谷 #市ヶ谷ラーメン #東京ラーメン #ramen#noodles#ramennoodles#Japan#Tokyo#follow#instafood#グルメ#ラーメン#らーめん#ラーメン部#ラーメン大好き#ラーメン好きと繋がりたい#ラーメンインスタグラマー#麺スタグラム#メンスタグラム#麺活#ラーメンパトロール#ラーメン女子#飯テロ#meguramen2018#155杯目

??めぐ??さん(@meguuuu0210)がシェアした投稿 -

Address:4-5-11, Kudanshita-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

39.Kachi Kachi Yama

台南麺かちかち山@豊田市にて、雪見ラーメン 850円。ド迫力の雪山の正体は、卵6個分を使ったメレンゲ。ホワホワの食感と口溶けが楽しいのは最初のうちだけ…こんなに多くなくてもw その下は中華あんかけラーメン。胡椒で味を引き締めたヒキのある一品。 #2016年ラーメン280杯目 #ラーメン #らーめん #ramen #拉麺 #中華そば #noodle #zuzutto #instafood #foodstagram #food #ラーメンインスタグラム #ラーメンインスタグラマー #cooljapan #麺navi東海 #愛知県 #豊田市 #台南麺 #かちかち山 #雪見ラーメン #メレンゲ #卵6個分 #アナ雪 #出張 #ランチ #lunch

HASH-ROYALさん(@hashroyal)がシェアした投稿 -

Kachi Kachi Yama’s specialty is “Yukimi ramen,” which comes with a mountainous decoration of melange atop the noodles with fried Chinese dumplings. It may take you a minute to think of how to tackle with it.

Address: 3-10-2, Maruyama cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi


#亜呂摩 #コーヒーラーメン

hy6さん(@hy6_k)がシェアした投稿 -

Aroma is actually a cafe situated in Tokyo, but it offers unique ramen that uses coffee for the soup and noodles. The ramen is served either hot or chilled topped with unusual ingredients including fish cake, sausage, kiwi, bacon, smoked cheese, boiled eggs, ice cream, and coffee beans. Each topping is placed so it looks like a face.

What does it taste like? Is it delicious?
It depends on the person. Some people like it, but others don’t. How about you?

2-19-16, Takara cho, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

41.Men Baka Ichidai

????????Fire???????? ??No ramen,No life??

存摺 casper(存摺攝影)さん(@casper7831)がシェアした投稿 -

Whoaaaa! Look at this fire!

Men Baka Ichidai is a ramen shop in Kyoto that is famous for its crazy performance. Surprisingly, most customers are tourists from overseas!

The only menu it offers is “Negi (green onions) ramen,” which contains light soy sauce-based soup and noodles loaded with green onions and chashu. What’s special about this ramen is a performance which is done right before served to the customers.

After putting all the toppings, the customers are told to put the water glass under the table and remain seated with both hands folded at the back. Then… you will see it!

This performance will definitely be the unforgettable experience. Make sure to have this ramen shop in your plans when traveling in Japan!

Address: 757-2, Minami-iseya cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto


If you would like a healthy option, Soranoiro is the best choice. This ramen shop has five locations in total, four of which are in Tokyo and one of which is in Nagoya. Aside from regular ramen, it offers vegetarian and vegan options, which are called “Veggie-soba” and “Vegan veggie-soba,” respectively.

The soup is based on the vegetable broth using cabbage, carrots and other vegetables and red bell peppers are mixed with the noodle, adding the red color to them. On the top, it has loads of vegetables including cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and so on. Different shops serve different menus, so it will be fun to try several locations!


@ enzo2015dinoがシェアした投稿 -

Address (Hirakawa cho store): Blue Bld. 1B, 1-3-10, Hirakawa cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

43.Toroke no Daidokoro (Kitchen Troquet)

ひさびさ?? #トマトラーメン #マルゲリータ #1150円 #麺スタグラム #トロケの台所

Hanakoさん(@hanyahanya_k)がシェアした投稿 -

Toroke no Daidokoro is a bistro that serves Teishoku-style menus and tomato ramen. It has more than 15 kinds of tomato ramen including regular menus and seasonal specialties.

Tomato ramen looks like a mix of ramen and pasta, consisting of tomato-based soup and straight, thin noodles, topped with meat, cheese, and basil sauce. As the soup contains three whole tomatoes, you can get beauty benefits from this ramen!

Address: Excel Nakameguro, 1-4-3, Kami-meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

Which ramen would you like to try? Please tell us in the comments!
Also, share this delicious food porn with your friends!

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