Food Culture

9 Beautifully "Japanized” Starbucks in Japan



Have you ever seen such "Japanized" Starbucks?

Today you can find Starbucks all around the world- from North America to Europe, Latin America to far East Asia. In Japan, there are 1,342 Starbucks across the country, and Japanese people do love going there to have fancy drinks.
Most Starbucks in Japan have familiar appearances to what you see in your country, but there are fabulous looking Starbucks that exists only in Japan. Let’s see what they look like!

If there are unique Starbucks in your country, please share it with us!

1. Nineizaka, Kyoto

すごーく久しぶり京都旅行にいってきました! 私の目的はスタバとご朱印w それで初日に行きたかった京都二寧坂ヤサカ店に無事にいけました! 最初全然気づかなくて周りの人が話してるので気づいたというwww 京都限定のスタバカードもゲットできてよかった(*´ω`*) お店の二階は靴を脱いでくつろげるスペースもあって、そこで飲んできました! 平日の夕方だったからあんまり混んでなくて、くつろげました__( _´ω`)_ また京都に行くときは寄りたいですw #starbucks #スターバックス #スタバ #スターバックス京都二寧坂ヤサカ茶屋店 #スタバカード #スターバックスカード #スターバックスカードシティ京都 #京都限定 #starbuckscard #コールドブリューアップルシトラス #京都旅行 #旅行の思い出

じゅんさん(@juntan11)がシェアした投稿 -

Nobody would see it as Starbucks at first glance, but actually, it is. This store was renovated from a more than 100-year-old Japanese house. It used to be used as a tea house and a Japanese-style hotel, or ryokan.
It is located near Kiyomizu temple, which is a famous sightseeing spot in Kyoto, so it is a perfect place to stop by before or after enjoying the temple.

What’s special about this store is there are seats using a bamboo mat, known as tatami. You can enjoy both Starbucks-ness and Japaneseness.

抹茶クリームプリン?? スタバ??12/6リニューアル発売 春くらいに発売されてた抹茶プリンが再発売?? 前よりも抹茶感が増してる?? クリームの風味が強い、優しい味の抹茶クリームプリンと 卵の風味香る、濃厚な抹茶プリンの2層仕立てで 下にはちょっぴり苦めな抹茶ソースいり? プリン特有の卵の風味はしっかりしつつも 抹茶の味も感じられて丁度いいバランス?? -?????????????????? ??抹茶濃度★★★☆☆ 》甘味 ーー○ーー 苦味 ?美味しさ★★★★★ ??????????????????? 抹茶クリームプリン \320 #抹茶クリームプリン #スターバックス#スタバ #スターバックスプリン#スタバプリン #スタバプリン抹茶 #抹茶プリン#プリン #starbuckscoffee#starbucks #新発売#新商品#期間限定 - #抹茶#宇治抹茶 #matcha#greentea #抹茶好きな人と繋がりたい #まっちゃぐらむ

I??matcha(抹茶)さん(@i_matchacha)がシェアした投稿 -

2. Izumo Shrine, Shimane

Izumo store is located right in front of Izumo shrine, which is one of the greatest shrines in Japan. From the second floor, you can see the great torii gate of Izumo shrine.The interior design was inspired by Izumo shrine, such as lamps, ceilings, and tables.

“Menou (agate) mug” is a store-limited item at Izumo store. Agate production has been a major industry in Izumo, so Izumo Starbucks has made the store-original item using the local speciality. The mugs are beautifully painted, adding them to glossy appearance just as agate has. Surprisingly, the mugs are painted one by one by craftsmen. That means there is no one mug that has the same pattern! The mug you buy is only for you. Why don’t you make it your souvenir?

念願のマグ????????やっと買えた??? #スタバ#starbucks #izumoマグ#メノウ

JUNさん(@jun002300)がシェアした投稿 -

starbucks出雲大社店 #starbucks #出雲大社限定 #izumoマグ

Koichi Itoさん(がシェアした投稿 -

3. Kanetsuki Street, Kawagoe, Saitama

おしゃれスタバ行ってきた(*???*) 雰囲気素敵すぎる?? 中も室内と、外とがあって、日本庭園のお庭みたいだった(o^^o) 今度はゆっくり中で飲もーっと?? 今日は新発売のエスプレッソアフォガードフラペチーノ???? 苦いのはちと苦手なので、ホイップとキャラメルソース追加? 苦味と甘味がいい感じにマッチしてめっちゃ美味しかったー(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? #スタバ #スターバックス #カフェ #スタバ新作 #エスプレッソアフォガートフラペチーノ #スタバカスタム #スタバ大好き #スタバ中毒 #スタバ女子 #スタバ好きな人と繋がりたい #川越 #川越スタバ

Chiriさん(@blue0229sakura)がシェアした投稿 -

Kanetsuki Street store opened on March 19, 2018. Kawagoe is designated to be a special preservation district due to its traditional architectures, and new buildings should be designed to match the existing scenery. So, this Starbucks was designed so as to match the architectures around.

Inside the store, there is a traditional style Japanese garden and customers can enjoy the nature that changes by the season. There are also terrace seats with cozy sofa, so customers can sit back and relax.

The store uses “Kawagoe Tozan,” a type of fabric with stripe patterns, for the bench. Kawagoe Tozan is a locally special product that has been produced since Edo period (17th century~mid 19th century). The store makes a connection with the locale by using the local product.

4. Kansui Park, Toyama

2週間くらい前に富山に行ったのに、 また富山。むしろただいま富山。 今回はアポとアポの間に時間があったので、 日本一美しいスタバに選ばれたことがあるという、スタバへ。 目の前が川になっていて、周りに高い建物もないので、凄い開放感? 真っ青な空と青々とした芝生がホントキレイだった?? 季節的にテラスでも気持ち良かったので、 テラスで風吹くなか、心地よくお仕事。 はぁいい気分だった?? ほんとは夕日時と夜が1番キレイみたいなんだけど、残念ながら見れず! #久しぶりのスタバ #チャイティーラテが甘すぎてビビった #たまに行くスタバはいいね #日本一美しいスタバ

aiko iさん(@aikoaiko_i)がシェアした投稿 -

Kansui Park store is known to be the most beautiful Starbucks in the world. The store is inside the park and it sits right beside Fuga Canal with beautiful green around. You can see people walking, jogging, sitting and chatting in a tranquil atmosphere.

Inside the store, the seating area is surrounded by huge glass windows on three sides, with seats facing the windows so that customers can enjoy the view. The interior is designed to offer customers with relaxing time and amazing scenery. You can enjoy the nature that changes its face depending on the season: beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, fireworks in summer, red-turned leaves in autumn, and snowing in winter.

koyuさん(@kkkkkoyu)がシェアした投稿 -

5. Dazaifu Tenmangu, Fukuoka


KEKORiNさん(@kekorin.7)がシェアした投稿 -

This store is located in the street that leads to Dazaifu Tenmangu, a famous shrine in Fukuoka. A worldwide famous architect, Kengo Kuma designed this store. He often uses natural materials and lattice in his work, and his unique characteristic of the design appears in this Starbucks. Enjoy the fusion of tradition and modernity.

Surprisingly, 2,000 pieces of cader are used, but all the woods were put together without using any single nales. Please have a closer look how they are constructed if you have a chance!

Allen Shihさん(@silverstone1027)がシェアした投稿 -

💛 . . . . . #太宰府天満宮 #starbucks #スタバ #カフェ #selfie

Chìkak0さん(@___chikakoworld)がシェアした投稿 -

#太宰府 #隈研吾 の#starbucks

Seira Sekiさん(@seiraseki)がシェアした投稿 -

6. Kitano Ijinkan, Hyogo

. 北野異人館のスタバ?? #北野異人館#スタバ #神戸#おしゃれ #おしゃれカフェ #starbacks

yukaさん(@___yuchanpi)がシェアした投稿 -

This store is an important cultural asset. Kitano Ijinkan used to be a Western-style house constructed in 1907 and owned by an American. At that time, foreigners staying in Japan was allowed to live only in a limited area, and Kitano Ijinkan was one of the houses constructed in the area.

The house got a devastating damage due to the huge earthquake in 1995, but Kobe city preserved the house and it was reconstructed in 2001. In 2009, the house was opened as Starbucks.

The store was designed to look like the original design of the house, so the entire store was divided into some individual rooms, such as lounge, dining hall, and living room. Antique furniture is used for some parts so it evokes customers the feeling of nostalgia. There is even a typewriter!

eriさん(@10_0291)がシェアした投稿 -

7. Sanjo Ohashi, Kyoto

#京都 #三条 #三条大橋 #kyoto #starbuckscoffee

nejimiさん(@nejimi)がシェアした投稿 -

Sanjo Ohashi store is located alongside the Kamo river, and you can oversee the beautiful scenery from the window. In the summertime, from May to September, they set up a terrace-like dining area called “Noryo-Yuka,” where you can feel the cool breeze from the river. In the evening, you can sit back and enjoy the scenery with a cup of coffee.

日間酷熱、夜?清涼 #stacietravel #stacie_kyoto #鴨川納涼床 #starbucksjapan

Stacieさん(@staciechan)がシェアした投稿 -

8. Senganen, Kagoshima

Senganen store is located near the World Heritage Site, Senganen. The store itself was renovated from the cultural asset,The Former Office if the Shimazu Family Gold Mine, Serigano. The office was built in 1904 in the northwestern area of the prefecture, was moved to the current location in 1986. The cross at the roof is the symbol of Shimazu clan.

The interior design employs some local products of Kagoshima; for example, the table is made of cader from Kagoshima. Also, there are pictures displayed at the corner of the store, showing the history of the prefecture and coffee production. From the window, you can see Sakurazima, a volcanic mountain .

@maki_tegetegeがシェアした投稿 -

9. Hirosaki Park, Aomori

Hirosaki Park store was also one of the Starbucks that was renovated from the cultural asset. The building was originally a military office. It was sold to the city and used as a city hall, and in 2003, the hall was registered to the cultural property. It was opened as Starbucks in 2015.

Hirosaki city, where this store is located, is famous as a beautiful cherry blossom seeing site. Many people not only from the country but also from around the world visit this place in spring. Also, this city has much snow in the winter time. This Starbucks and snowfall make an amazingly beautiful look.

“Tsugaru Vidoro” is what you should not miss at this store. Tsugaru, a calling for the area around Hirosaki city, is a major vidoro production region. The glass is made one by one by craftsman, and the evokes the image of Tsugaru region, such as white for snow, pink for cherry blossoms.

#弘前スタバ #スターバックス #弘前公園前店

hollyhock818さん(@8hollyhock18)がシェアした投稿 -

#starbucks #弘前公園前店

CHIEさん(@lltomatoll)がシェアした投稿 -

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