「 starbucks 」 一覧
9 Beautifully "Japanized” Starbucks in Japan
Have you ever seen such "Japanized" Starbucks? Today you can find Starbucks all around the world- from North America to Europe, Latin America to far East Asia. In Japan, there are 1,342 Starbucks across the country, and Japanese people do love going there to have fancy drinks. Most Starbucks in Japan have familiar appearances to what you see in your country, but there are fabulous looking Starbucks that exists only in Japan. Let’s see what they look like! If there are unique Starbucks in your country, please share it with us! twitter 1. Nineizaka, Kyoto すごーく久しぶり京都旅行にいってきました! 私の目的はスタバとご朱印w それで初日に行きたかった京都二寧坂ヤサカ店に無事にいけました! 最初全然気づかなくて周りの人が話してるので気づいたというwww 京都限定のスタバカードもゲットできてよかった(*´ω`*) ...